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Data concerning stock prices from John Castaing's Course of exchange, which appeared twice a week (on Tuesdays and Fridays) from 1698 throughout the following century. The data was transferred in full from a tape supplied by the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research, Ann Arbor, USA.

Stock prices reported by John Castaing, the course of the exchange, from January 1698 to December 1753


3PCNTCONSThree Percent Consoles (From August 1753)
BOEBank of England
EICEast India Company
SSCSouth Sea Company (from September 1711)
169811 86.75  
169813 86.75  
169814 86.75  
169815 86.75  
169816 86.75  
169817 86.5  
169818 86.5  
1698110 86.5  
1698111 86  
1698112 85.25  
1698113 84.75  
1698114 85.75  
1698115 85.75  
1698117 86  
1698118 86.5  
1698119 86.5  
1698120 86.5  
1698121 87  
1698122 87.25  
1698124 87.25  